Saturday, December 1, 2007

Public Service Annoucement - If you can stop sniffling, either blow your nose or stay home

I hate winter, no, I hate what winter does to people, no, I hate people who sit on the train and sniffle. People, do me a favor. If you are going to be on public transportation, stop at Walmart, Target, probably your grocery store and spend the 33 cents and buy a pocket size pack of kleenex. And while you are at it, pick up a pocket size of Purell because I know that you are wiping your runny nose with just your hand, then touching the the handle rail by the train door while you wait for your stop and the escalator hand rail. Spreading all those nasty cold and flu germs isn't a cool thing to do.

Oh, and for those of you sneezing, hacking and coughing up a lung back there 3 rows behind me, keep in mind that if you are that sick you should stay home and stop contaminating the rest of us with what ever you are sick with. I'm feeling really good right now and I really don't want to feel as crappy as you do next week.

love always,
Dr. Cecelia

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