Tuesday, October 30, 2007

To Eat or Not to Eat...

Once again I was on BART into the city for another interview. The train is pretty empty the whole ride it, making it very comfortable…until Mr. I’m Not Following The Law boards. He has a bike with him, with is fine since there is plenty of room for it, but what is offensive is the food he has brought on board. The smell of a hot dog loaded with everything, including an over bearing amount of onions has fill the air. It’s rather nauseating and I know that if I were pregnant I’d be puking all over the place. But since I’m not pregnant…nor ever will be again I can’t puke on the guilty culprit I’ll settle for giving him dirty looks. I always thought that they didn’t allow food on board because of the mess it could cause, but now I realize it’s because how offending the smells can be to other passengers.

But a few days later I’m sitting at Oakland airport waiting for a flight to Chicago. I am nibbling on a cookie, the lady city across from me is eating a slice of pizza, the gentle man behind me and to my left has a bag of potato chips. There must be really good air circulation here because I don’t smell any thing. Yes the pizza is making me drool, just because it looks really really good and I’m starving. This little cookie isn’t cutting it. I am a stone’s throw away from the See’s Candy Kiosk and it’s killing me. I know I need to get something to eat to take on the plane because it’s a “non meal” flight. When I made this same flight 3 weeks ago the food they did offer on the plane was horrible at $5.00 a box. The actually encourage you go buy food to bring on the plane to eat.

So depending on where you are, Shakespear was almost right when he wrote "To eat or not to eat..."

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